How To Spend A Quiet Day At The Office

Weird & Liberated
4 min readFeb 13, 2022

As I may have mentioned previously, I went back to my old office job.

It gets real quiet sometimes; which gave me the idea to write this post and share how to spend a quiet day at the office.

Of course, different offices have different rules so this only applies to you if you can still do these things while abiding by the rules of your workplace.

How To Spend A Quiet Day At The Office

Sort out the filing

Slow, quiet days are the perfect time to sort out the filing you’ve been putting off.

Now that you aren’t busy, take your time and file all those loose papers just chilling, crowding your workspace.


I always make sure to keep a book in my handbag so that I have some entertainment with me when work is quiet.

Reading is also a great way to unwind when you’re having a stressful day at work.

Do your assignments

As a part-time student with a full-time job, it was important for me to utilise my time efficiently to stay on top of things and not fall behind.

A great way to do this is to do your school assignments when your office isn’t busy.

If your boss is cool with you utilizing company resources to do your research and print, that’s even better.


Depending on your work environment, downtime at the office could be the perfect opportunity to study (and catch up on schoolwork).

When the office was quiet, I used to grab my notebooks and textbooks, go and sit on the other side where there’s usually no one and not much commotion and make my course notes.

This helped so much with exam preparation and allowed me to study with minimal pressure.

By using downtime to study, I had more time to prepare for my exams.

Bond With Your Co-Workers

How’s your relationship with your co-workers?

You could spend your slow workdays bonding with your colleagues and getting to know them a little better. You’d be surprised that you actually have a few things in common besides working for the same company.

Bonding with your workmates will also strengthen your working relationship.


Networking is interacting with other people in the hopes of exchanging information and developing both professional and social contacts.

This is a great way to strengthen existing business relationships as well as build some new ones that could be mutually beneficial.

“How To Network As An Introvert”

Use this time to take a look at your goals and do an evaluation of how far you’ve come in attaining them.

This will help you to identify the next steps in achieving your goals and rectify your actions to get you closer to where you need to be.

Clean Your Desk and Tidy Your Workspace

A cluttered workspace is a no-no and sometimes this happens unintentionally. You were really busy compiling a document or working on a project and before you knew it there were hundreds of papers on your desk.

Take this quiet time in the office to sort out your workspace and file documents where they need to be.

Organize Your Emails

Sort out your mailbox and clean out your junk folder.

While you’re at it you can get your mailbox more organized by grouping your work emails and creating email folders.

Write A Blog Post

I wrote this post at my work desk on a really slow and quiet day at work. I had had enough of reading and decided to do something else so what you’re reading right now is the end result.

Plenty of blog posts are drafted at my work desk as a result of boredom or a sudden hit of inspiration.

Now you know how to spend a quiet day at the office so slow days will never leave you bored again.

Have any other ideas on how you’d spend a quiet day at the office? Share them in the comments.


Originally published at on February 13, 2022.



Weird & Liberated

South African lifestyle blogger at & bibliophile. Catch me @WeirdnLiberated on Twitter.