Job Hunting? Consider Taking These Actions…

Weird & Liberated
3 min readJul 8, 2020

With the Corona pandemic and job loss on the rise, many are job hunting and looking for alternative sources to earn a living.

Having lost my job myself, I can definitely identify.

It’s easy to feel down and get depressed when you’re worried about how you’re going to pay your bills. Let me tell you though, prayer helps!

Having all this time on your hands and being under lockdown, now is the time for you to polish up your resume and keep it up to date so you can impress your potential employer. Take an online course and polish your existing skills.

Hey, you could even pick up some extra skills that’ll make you stand out.

Here are some options for you to consider and tips to help you land your next job:

Joining Upwork and Freelancing

Have you heard of Upwork before?

Upwork is a platform for freelancers to register and find their next gig. The sign-up process is easy and there are lots of job opportunities there. But keep in mind that competition is tough so be sure to present your best self and highlight skills that will make you stand out from the crowd.

Freelancer is another good option and is more or less the same.

Tell people you’re job hunting

Don’t be ashamed to tell people that you’re job hunting, you never know where your next opportunity could come from. They may know someone who knows someone who knows someone that’s looking for someone just like you.

You could be employed sooner than you know.

Create a LinkedIn profile

This platform is perfect for professionals but even if you’re not a professional yet it’s still great for connecting with people in the business world.

You can apply for jobs internationally right on there and the application process is usually quick and simple.

If you don’t have a profile yet, I suggest you get to it!

While you’re jobless you can look for volunteer opportunities, not only will helping others make you feel good, it will look great on your resume.

Try a children’s home, animal shelter, etc. just look around and see what’s available in your area.

Turn your hobby into a money-making opportunity

Whatever your hobby is, I’m sure there’s a way yo can earn income for it. Nothing better than making money while doing something you love.

Take blogging for instance, many bloggers out there have made enough money from blogging to quit their jobs. They have managed to make a career out of blogging and are helping others to do so.

With blogging, you can earn money as an affiliate or you can sell your talents directly from your blog. there are also sponsored post opportunities with great income potential.

Starting a blog is simpler than you think and you there are various platforms you can use like Wix for example. Just find one that works for you and start sharing your hobbies and interests.

Those are just a few options that are available to you, there are others, you just need to do your research.

Don’t let unemployment get you down. Wake up each day and try to stay positive.

Get up and dress up, even if you’re not going to leave the house! It will improve your overall mood and outlook and keep the positivity flowing.

Having a routine will also help. Personally, I wake up and tidy up. When I’m done with all that I make myself a cup of coffee and have breakfast then I work on my blog. It’s great to have something you love to keep you busy.

Don’t forget to exercise and drink plenty of fluids! This has nothing to do with job hunting per se but it’s important to keep your mind and body sharp.

Good luck with your job search! I wish you all the best.

Originally published at on July 8, 2020.



Weird & Liberated

South African lifestyle blogger at & bibliophile. Catch me @WeirdnLiberated on Twitter.